Greenwood Features

Upcoming Events At Greenwood Features

Sing Sing With Speaking Panel

Sing Sing With Speaking Panel


Join us on Saturday, March 22nd at 2 pm for a great film and conversation! Sing Sing is based on the true story of a man imprisoned at Sing Sing for a crime he didn't commit. When joined by a wary outsider, he finds purpose staging an original comedy with a theater group of other incarcerated men. The film was based on a collection of magazine stories from Esquire and New York by John H. Richardson and showcased seven of his most bizarre and eye-opening journeys into the American scene and psyche. You can get the full collection as a book which we've partnered with The Booksmiths Shoppe in Danbury to have ahead of the film as well as they will be here the day of the film selling copies.

Info & Showtimes
Candlewood Movie Viewing and Conversation with the Director and Cast

Candlewood Movie Viewing and Conversation with the Director and Cast


Candlewood is the first movie of three in the psychological/horror feature film franchise. A blended family moves from the city to a small town in Connecticut, where a local urban legend adds chaos and terror to an already fragile family dynamic. The staunch patriarch, who desperately wants his family to not see him as a failure but as the father that did everything, he could to keep his family together through difficult times. Catch the film and then have a conversation with Director Myke Furhman and Actor Jeffrey Alan Solomon.

Live Music With Sacred Oath

Live Music With Sacred Oath

5/3/20253 hr 0 min

Legendary Connecticut power-thrashers Sacred Oath first formed in 1985 when founding members Rob Thorne and Pete Altieri were daydreaming about rock-stardom as they washed dishes in a local burger joint. The singer/guitarist and bassist were both students at Bethel High School and had ambitions of recording landmark albums and touring the world with their unique brand of dark power and thrash metal heavily influenced by then-contemporary heroes Metallica and Mercyful Fate. They quickly set about recording their first demo “Sacred Oath” and it was an instant local success, selling hundreds of cassette copies in Connecticut record stores. As Thorne spent evenings running copies off a dubbing deck and folding photocopies into crude cassette covers, Altieri launched the band’s monthly newsletter “Thrash Inc.,” which featured columns about the current local and national metal scene as well as artwork drawn by the band’s drummer Kenny “Thundarr” Evans. The artwork became a huge part of Sacred Oath’s identity as hundreds of “Oathbanger” fan club members would receive a newsletter in their mailbox at the beginning of each month, each featuring a new art piece on the cover and throughout. Visit their site to learn more:

Live Music With Jay Nash

Live Music With Jay Nash


Over the span of his self-described, ‘under the radar' career, Jay Nash's rough-hewn voice, poignant melodies, and unique yet subtly virtuosic approach to the guitar have taken him across the United States and Europe more times than he can count. He has released seven full-length solo albums, and four solo EPs along with another ten albums with his collaborative efforts with TFDI, The Contenders, Garrison Starr, and Caitlin Crosby..racking up 10s of millions of streams and selling over 70,000 records. In his time off the road, where he’s racked up thousands of live performances, Nash has created the original motion picture score for three feature films, a Dutch television series, and dozens of nationally run commercial spots.

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